Israel is a global center of tourism, the cradle of civilization, and one of the most pristine and beautiful places on earth. Thousands of tourists visit this unique country every year. A visit to Israel, with its warm climate, rich history, and unparalleled tourist services, turns into a look at the past, into a hike along Nabatean spice trails, excavations of three thousand-year-old temples, examinations of Roman forts and Greek cities. It becomes an eye-opening experience; here one can soak in the pleasures of nature, learning, and unforgettable memories. Most of the people who visit Israel come back for a second and third time.
There are seven gates that lead into the Old City of Jerusalem. However, most Israeli tour guides agree that the easiest and most convenient place to start your tour around the Old City from are the Jaffa Gates. Our information center is located right there, behind the gates.
If you’re vacationing in Israel, our doors are open from 9:00 am to 7:00 pm, 7 days a week. We offer high-quality organized tours around Jerusalem, or Israel as a whole.
You can choose from a variety of group tours, or you may elect to travel individually. No matter what you choose, our company, Israstar, can give you all the necessary information about the tours.
With us, you can order “classic” tours, tours that are engineered for maximum comfort, lowest possible price, and most interesting content, all of this is managed by professional guides. Those travelers whose aim is to enjoy Israel’s warm climate and pleasant conditions are recommended to visit the Mediterranean, Red, or Dead Seas, as well as Lake Kineret. In fact, Lake Kineret is so big, that locals call it an ocean.
If you would prefer a personalized approach to visiting the Old City of Jerusalem, we offer two options. We can provide you with a private tour guide, who can take you to see all the important sites in the city. You can also rent an audio guide for a few hours (this option is significantly cheaper). Our audio guides come with a detailed map of the Old City, to help you with navigating on your own.
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The map has many clearly marked icons, each displaying the location of a site in the city. By clicking the appropriate number on the keypad of the audio device, you can listen to the recording for that site.
The best vacations are those that are planned in advance, but this is difficult to do, especially if you live far away.
If you plan to visit Israel, contact us, and relieve yourselves of the burden of extensive planning. We’ll organize your stay according to your specifications, in the most comfortable and pleasant way possible.
The name Israstar isn’t accidental. You’ll see Israel from the best point of view, with our Superstar team!